Welcome to Kungsgatans Gryta & Hotel!

My name is Ola Rasmusson and this is my office, my little stew restaurant and also my little hotel during summers. I hope you will like it!
Breakfast is served at my kafé next door, Kafé Kungsgatan, weekdays 8-11, Saturdays 9-14 and Sundays 10-14. Smaller on weekdays and bigger on weekends.
Kungsgatans Gryta & Hotel, password: verywelcome
The old radio on the shelf is connected to the router. Send your music through Airplay to "Grytans Airplay" when you are connected to the Wi-fi. Press the tape symbol to turn it on, the on/off symbol to turn it off. Please keep the volume low after 22.00.
Projector Screen
To access the projector for a nice movie in bed:
1 Turn on the projector in the ceiling using the remote.
2 Send your stuff from your favorite app (netflix, youtube, hbo etc.) on your device to the chromecast. It should pop up if you are connected to the wi-fi, otherwise use the code on the screen.
Please cook a nice meal if you want to, use whatever you need in the kitchen. There is a fridge and a freezer for you in the hallway. Please do your dishes.
Mini Bar (rather big)
The fridge is stocked with wine, beer, cava and soft drinks. Please pay when you check out, prices below
Red wine 350:-
White wine 350:-
Cava 350:-
Birra Moretti 60:-
Ipa 65:-
Coca cola 32:-
Rabarber 37:-
Loka 32:-
Food & wine
Just across the bridge you will find Hansa, a shopping galleria with a nice food store ICA, and Systembolaget (alcohol) in the basement.
Malmö has a lot of good spots for food. Möllevångstorget is a nice mix of cultures, food from all over the world. A bit more fancy over at Malmö Saluhall , also a perfect place for lunch, packed with restaurants.
Just a few favourites of mine close to you. Please text me for other suggestions, I love good food.
I actually started this restaurant, 50 owners and we all work at our place
Great french food five minutes away. Hangout for the local chefs in town.
Always very interesting, new takes every season.
Nice relaxed take on the nordic cuisine, great natural wines
Bustling catalonian restaurant with very nice tapas, eat at the counter for best experience
Also very close and the oldest bar in Malmö, hearty food, nice vibes
Decent pizza just around the corner. Great for take away.
Any questions please don’t hesitate to text me on +4670 27 27 115. Or add me on FB for messenger. Please review if you have a chance!
Best regards,